The day trip was well-planned. I knew when I'd leave my driveway, when and where I'd stop for rest and food, and when I'd head back home. But then, I spied a few of those historical markers along the roadside. And, the plans went out the window!
You know those markers, don't you? They speak to me every time I come upon one of them. I can't help it. I simply love to read about the people and places they describe. And, even more, I soak up the history of the spot so marked and yearn for more - more information, more to see, more to explore.
Today's trip was one such well-planned-trip that got sidetracked. I was on a mission that would take me on a four hour drive and back... through parts of Tennessee that I hadn't yet seen and then into Kentucky for the first time ever. But, on the drive to Kentucky, I spied several of those markers. Being on a tight schedule for arrival, I made mental notes of the markers' locations.
Then, on the way back, I threw all schedules and plans to the wind and went exploring. I was in heaven! Once home, I started thinking about those markers and all the stories they tell. And, in the process, had a thought: What if I were to write some markers to tell the stories of my own family, the times I grew up in, the locations I've been? What if I crafted them in such a way as to be "word postcards" for the passersby (family and friends) who, just like me, can't resist learning more.
And in that moment, a new source for writing prompts emerged! Using the concept of the historical markers we've all seen and read, write your own versions using life story materials. Perhaps, if you are so inclined, you'd like to go even farther by doing some drawing or mixed media art work to embellish the words you post on your markers. Think about where you'd choose to "post them" and why!
So there you have it! Your challenge 'til I return in two weeks. Begin writing your own life's markers! What would your marker say to all who stopped at the roadside "lookout" that is the window on your life?
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