ABC's of Writing, Matilda Butler, Post #6
I missed my scheduled posting on Monday -- my regular day to write on SCN’s Telling HerStories. The brief five minute video that I thought I’d finish on Sunday took me all day Monday to complete. “Don’t worry,” I told Kendra. “I’ll have the video on YouTube on Monday.” Well, at 11:58 PM California time, that statement became true. By then, it was too late to post here. If I had run into additional complications with the video, I might have had to rely on Hawaii time where I still had three more hours before midnight.
The notion was relevant because I was creating the first of four videos I'm calling Postcards from Hawaii. These are writing prompts that occurred to me while I was on the Big Island earlier this month for a combined celebration of my husband’s birthday and our 40th wedding anniversary. Although part of each day was spent working on one of my final chapters for Writing Alchemy, I still had a relaxing time.
When I travel, my mind often causes me to focus on just one or two elements. But Hawaii is a place that engages all the senses -- the sweet scent of plumeria, the growling sound of the ocean grabbing fistfuls of sand, the dramatic sight of ancient black lava flows, the taste of plant-ripened pineapple--juices running down my arm, and the rough feel of coral beneath my feet as I wade in the shallow waters.
Hawaii replenishes my creative well. Do you have a place that provides you with new ideas? In my video, I discuss one special place on the Big Island and it’s meaning. I hope you’ll go take a look and then leave me a comment. I’d like to know what you think about my writing prompt and discussion.
Aloha and Mahalo. When I say these two Hawaiian words, the state of calm that I feel while on the Big Island returns. As writers, we know that words are the only tool we have to express our lives. Aloha is used for hello and good bye, but can also mean love. Visitors often read that saying Aloha opens one to the awareness of a sacred space and that Mahalo is an expression of gratitude and has the potential to transform your life. I offer you these words today with the hope that they help you give life to your writing and enable you to feel the blessing of gratitude for what you write.
Enjoy the first Postcards from Hawaii by clicking here.
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