Welcome to "Telling Herstories: The Broad View," a group blog sponsored by the Story Circle Network. In the interest of full disclosure, I'll admit that I'm an ardent fan of SCN and its mission of encouraging women to tell their life stories. So much so that two years ago I started producing a podcast for SCN and one year ago became a board member. My membership in SCN has been a life-changing experience for me, as I suspect it has for so many women.
That's why I'm so excited today to launch this blog. It's the culmination of over six months of noodling, tweaking, wondering, and working, all to bring together a fantastic mix of women writers who I believe will shape and energize our lifewriting community. At the Stories from the Heart conference in February, I participated in a panel with fellow SCN bloggers Susan Albert, Sharon Lippincott, Pat Flathouse, and Patricia Pando. The panel had such an enthusiastic reception that we vowed to create an SCN blog that would highlight the wonderful talent in our community and encourage new voices to make themselves heard.
Building our lifewriting community is important to me, so I invited members of our online discussion group to name our blog. We intended to call the blog "HerStory," but it was discussion of an article by Meta Wagner that sealed the deal.
Wagner asked, "What ever happened to broads? You know, those larger-than-life women
who swore like sailors, threw back shots of whiskey, sounded like
they'd swallowed whole packs of cigarettes, and aged without apology." The essence of a broad changes with our cultural norms, but we decided we liked the idea of redefining the term "broad" with our own collective notion of a woman who is unapologetic about living an authentic life and telling her story.
We're launching this blog with almost a dozen contributors who will
share their expertise on all matters of lifewriting and creativity. I hope you'll join us every day as we embark on this journey of authentic living and storytelling together. Grab a comfy chair, brew yourself a cup of hot tea, and join us in the circle. And never forget that we all have a story to tell.
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